Saturday, September 17, 2011

Uplifting "Connections"

Just got in from my Heaven Sent group reading event tonight. I knew this was going to be an extraordinarily good one: primarily because I didn't sleep a wink last night. I was up at 3AM, the prime time hour to connect with the "other" side (eating cheerios and watching the premiere of "Up All Night" with Christina Applegate & it was pretty good.)

The few moments of sleep I did get, I was dreaming of loved ones on the other side of those who were going to be in attendance tonight. Boy, did they show up, accurate as ever.

I arrived early to meditate. Two minutes before start time, there was a knock. Knock, knock, knock...''s your best friend, anxiety!' Oh, lovely. After five minutes panicking in the stall of the bathroom (I'm famous for that), I decided I would go out and give it a go. I went out to a beautiful warm welcome, took a seat, and felt this...

Awesome. "I have anxiety," I stated. From there, it fell away. It's a trick I've been using for a long time. Feel it, acknowledge it, accept it, and just let it pass naturally instead of trying to stuff down, fight off, or ignore. It works every time, just like your perfect glittery Fair Godmother just when you need it. There, you've just learned the ins & outs of meditating too!

From there, I started with the first young boy from my dream who passed from a rare illness, with a message to this woman's best friend, from her son. This boy was like an angel to me. I inquired, through Spirit, about the person with a brain tumor. 'No one we know,' the woman politely responded. 'Who's Robert?' The woman just stared back at me. 'Well, I just met his wife today at Kohls and she came up to me out of the blue and asked if I know Maureen Hancock; I told her I was coming to see you tonight.' 'Wow,' I responded; sometimes they surprise me too. To which she replied, 'He actually works next door.' Double wow. Hopefully I can reach out to them sometime to see if there's anything we can do to help.

This young, beautiful angel, helped the next boy from my dream to come through; he was a little bit older, full of life & just too funny, with beautiful messages for his family too.

I transitioned over to a woman in the crowd whose energy was calling me. I had her stand, we connected hands, and I asked her, 'So, you're the teacher?' 'Yes," she replied. 'Mom's here, she's so sweet. YAnd, you're father in law was in the military?' 'Yes; so is my husband. I need to proove this is real to him!!'

'They're showing me he is oversees in Iraq, and will be going to Afghanistan soon. He has super top secret clearance. They keep showing me his flying in the helicopters. And, oh, ow, id he cut off his middle finger?!' "Yes!" she replied as she hit me repeatedly in excitement. I guess she got her answers from Spirit, from her in laws, and her mother, along with many angels on the other side, that she can share with him, even overseas.

Spirit has an amazing way of helping others connect with their loved ones on the other side, one by one. Even if they didn't know each other here, they are willing to help there. There were many beautiful, touching connections here this night, and I feel so blessed to be able to be the conduit, even for a few hours, for their healing & love, which is always present with us all. It helps heal me too.

Now, time for bed! Hopefully more sleep tonight, fingers crossed! :)


  1. Stassia,

    I love that you're doing a blog like this. It almost makes me feel like I was there! Thanks for sharing yourself in so many ways. Love you.

  2. You write angelic. WOnderful. ANd yes fingers crossed. =)
